The dogs had to be rescued urgently, because the owner was going to sell them to a dog farm


Two glorious dogs were among the many animals that “kind” people were going to give to be eaten. The owner of Bumgo and Youngsun was not even worried about their health – he just wanted to earn a certain amount of money for his pets. It is difficult to say how much the man valued friendship and devotion, but one thing was clear – the fate of the animals did not interest him. Fortunately, the neighbors found out about these dogs and turned to the shelter, which was located in New York. It was founded specifically to protect animals offered to be eaten in Korea.

After learning about Bumgo and Youngsun, the volunteers hurried to contact the pet dealer to convince him not to sell the animals, dooming them to certain death. Instead, the shelter employees offered a certain amount for the dogs, which would suit the person. Fortunately, the issue was resolved, and instead of a Korean dog company, happy pets ended up in the USA, in the good hands of volunteers.

After examining the animals, veterinarians found that the dogs were covered in fleas and had worms. In addition, they had a number of other illnesses and injuries that had to be treated. Luckily, they recovered and were ready to be part of someone’s family.

Soon, Bumgo was taken to their home by caring owners who renamed him, naming the pet Archie, but Yangsun is still in the shelter. This girl recently turned three years old, and she is looking forward to a family that will “adopt” her. Volunteers say that this dog is affectionate and kind, despite the experience, and she trusts people. Yangsun is very cheerful and cheerful, so for loving owners she will be a real joy!

It remains only to wish this cute dog to become someone’s pet as soon as possible, and let it be a person who would never think of eating a pet!

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