A cat was sitting on the bare ground in the rain. Hearing the steps of people, she looked at them with a hopeful look.


Olga Zarubina kept three cats at home when she met another cute little cat on the street. She was very sorry, she looked painfully thin and frightened. True, the girl did not even think of taking the fourth Murlyka to her place, but she regularly brought out treats to the baby, like many other residents of the yard in which the pet settled.

Someone felt sorry for the cat, and someone just walked by. But once Olya was returning home with her husband and saw the cat sitting on the street right in the rain. She was soaking wet, and from resentment and cold, she lowered her muzzle to the ground. When purring heard the steps of people, she looked up, in which there was so much pain and hope that the girl could not stand it!

A minute later, Olga carried the wet, trembling, already affectionately purring cat home, rejoicing and at the same time surprised that every living creature is full of love for a person, no matter what.

For two months the cat wandered in those yards where Olya lives with her husband. For two months she waited for someone to take pity on her and take her home. The baby was fed by caring people and thanks to them she survived, but now the cat became happy only thanks to Olga and her husband.

Few people could do the same as this girl who took MURlyka home. Probably, everyone has hundreds of reasons to say “no” to a homeless animal. But how good it is that there are those among us who are ready to say “yes” to a stray cat or dog. Thank you kind people!

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