had thrown away. The kid was in a dirty dump and was waiting for help …


It was raining heavily, and a small puppy was shivering from dampness and cold in the dump
On a rainy day, a bell rang at a local shelter in a Chinese province. The man reported seeing a puppy that someone
At the same time, a volunteer woman came to the rescue. It was raining heavily, and bad weather exacerbated the situation in which the baby found himself. He was lucky only that someone turned to the shelter in time and participated in the fate of the baby …

When the volunteer arrived, she almost burst into tears: in a pile of garbage, shivering from dampness and cold, sat a pitiful puppy. His white fur was covered with mud, and his tiny body tried to find at least a little warmth and hide from moisture … Carefully lifting the baby in her arms, the woman went to the car.

The little one did not even resist, because he wanted only one thing – to be rescued as soon as possible. He pressed his head against his savior and completely trusted the person who carried him in his arms … When the volunteer arrived at the shelter, she immediately began to wash the baby from dirt. It turned out that he was fluffy and very cute, and his fur looked like white snow. That is why the puppy was named Snowball.

Clean and contented, he gladly rushed to the food, and then quite happy fell asleep. The volunteer watched him and decided that the baby was thrown out only because he had one eye smaller than the other. This is almost imperceptible and does not spoil the baby at all, but someone, apparently, put aesthetics above human qualities and decided to get rid of the objectionable puppy. Moreover, he threw it into the rain right in a dirty dump …

Unfortunately, in China, animals are thrown away quite often, and it is not necessary that they have any flaws. More often than not, people just don’t want to mess around with puppies, or they get rid of an annoying pet. Luckily, Snowball was lucky because he was found and rescued. I wish there were more such shelters, and people who throw animals away would be severely punished!

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