Going to the lake, the man could not even think that he would see a cage in the water, and a freezing dog in it


Bryant Fritz is an ordinary high school teacher. He never thought that he would become a hero and save someone’s life…
That day, the teacher was going fishing in Kaufman Lake (Champaign, Illinois) when he suddenly saw something strange. There was a dog in the water, which was locked in a cage. The poor animal was almost completely in the icy lake, and only the head looked out.

Realizing that the dog must be rescued immediately, the teacher rushed into the lake. Later, the man admitted that he wanted to call for help, but he realized that he did not have much time. Every minute could cost the dog his life, so Bryant acted alone.

When the man took her in his hands, he saw that the poor fellow had wounds on his body. The dog could not move, being in a very bad condition.

Getting into the car, the teacher drove home to take a blanket and warm the animal. Bryant then hurried to the University of Illinois Veterinary Teaching Hospital.

Hearing that the dog was found in a cage, and even in ice water, the doctors were horrified. Without a doubt, someone decided to drown the unfortunate animal. Why they did this to poor Dory (as the dog was called), the police are now investigating. Employees hope that the perpetrator, who almost caused the death of the animal, will be punished.

In the meantime, doctors began to help Dory. They found that the dog had hypothermia. It took a long time before the poor thing warmed up and her body temperature returned to normal. Now the dog is in Champaign County Animal Control, where he is recovering. Volunteers note that she has an excellent appetite, and Dory feels better every day. It is surprising that, despite the experience, the pet did not become embittered. On the contrary, she trusts people, willingly goes into their hands and fawns, especially if she sees sweets.

By the way, Dory already has an owner! The teacher-hero who saved the life of this “girl” wanted to take her to his house. Once she is fully recovered, she will be handed over to Bryant’s caring hands. The teacher admits that he is sincerely happy about this, as he managed to become attached to Dory. In addition, he lost his dog not so long ago, so the new pet brought him joy and comfort. Well, we are sincerely glad that such wonderful changes are taking place in Dory’s life, and we hope that the evil will be punished!

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