The owners abandoned the pregnant dog at the shelter. And it soon became clear that the volunteers intended to euthanize her


Frannie is a sweet and a little mischievous dog who loves to have fun. However, her mistress is not offended, because she knows how much her pet had to endure. Frannie’s life could have ended already in the shelter of Houston (Texas), where she was brought by the owners …
At that moment the dog was pregnant. The shelter where she ended up was overflowing with homeless animals, and she had nowhere to go. The staff offered to euthanize Frannie and her unborn babies…

Upon learning of this, Best Friends volunteers decided to come up with something to save the poor dog. Literally on the eve of the fateful decision, Kim McDaniel came to the shelter to see the situation with her own eyes.

And soon she was carrying Frannie in her car. Kim was warned that the pet would give birth any day, and this could happen during the trip, so you need to prepare. Just in case, the woman covered the car seats with oilcloth and sheets …

All the way, Frannie looked out the window, as if sensing that her life was changing. Indeed, now she was not threatened with euthanasia, and this was the first step into the future.

The travelers spent the night safely at the hotel, then set off again, crossed Utah, and finally reached the place where the organization that agreed to receive Frannie was located.

Three days later the puppies were born. There were nine of them. Some of them were too weak and did not seem to survive. Fortunately, the employees of the organization did not give up, and sleepless nights bore fruit: all the kids survived and got stronger! Several months passed, and nothing could break or disturb this glorious family. A little later, the puppies were distributed, and they quickly found their homes.

By the way, Frannie was “adopted” the very first. She liked a woman named Lorraine. The dog showed itself from the best side and literally fascinated the future mistress. She took her for overexposure in order to understand how Frannie would behave, but very soon she realized that she could not part with her, and took the dog forever.

Today, the pet lives a happy life, and nothing reminds her of a sad past. And Kim and the rest of the Best Friends organization are genuinely happy that they managed to save the dog literally at the last minute and did not allow Frannie to be euthanized. Sometimes saving someone’s life is very simple. The main thing is to be there at the right time!

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