Driving the car, the man noticed a barking dog. She “asked” to save her baby


Early in the morning, a man and his friend were driving a car on business. It was an ordinary day that did not portend adventure. But only until the driver saw the dog.

The animal was clearly nervous, announcing the neighborhood with a loud bark. Attracted by this, the hero of the story, together with a friend, decided to get out of the car and figure out what could frighten the dog. Literally at once they saw a dirty wall behind which there was a puppy. The little creature was in trouble: the baby stuck his head in a plastic jar and now he could not get out.

When the men saw the dog, they understood why his mother dog was so alarmed. She understood that the baby needed help, but the poor fellow could not remove the jar from him on her own. All she could do was bark loudly to get attention. The dog hoped that caring people would notice her and help. Fortunately, she succeeded! Friends went to save the puppy, but the frightened kid began to run away from strangers. When one of the men was finally able to catch him and began to drag the jar towards himself, it turned out that he couldn’t get the baby. At the same time, other puppies jumped up to the second man, who began to fawn and wag their tails cheerfully, as if greeting their saviors.

Some time passed, and finally the dog was free! He did not even believe his eyes, and only when he shook his head did he realize that everything was behind him! The kid rushed to the person who saved him, and he stroked the baby.

Watching what was happening, the dog looked approvingly at people and did not interfere when they began to play with her puppies. After being released from plastic captivity, her furry prankster was clearly feeling pretty good!

True, according to the heroes of the story, they did not take the puppies with them, so their fate is unknown. Netizens noted that it would be nice to help them and expressed the hope that someone will still take the dogs to themselves.

Well, we are sincerely glad that this story ended well!

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