Blind kitten got into engine oil, but there was a person who wanted to help


Do you know how grateful a cat can be to a person who was rescued from street life, cured and gave him love? But a kind girl named Alisa Gurova knows for sure that there are no more devoted pets in the world than those who managed to help.

One day, the girl found out that a kitten appeared at her work. The kid got into trouble, getting into engine oil. When Alice came to look at the pet, she was shocked at the state of the animal. Not only was MURlyka stained with machine oil, but the poor fellow was also blind. The paws did not obey the kitten at all and he could not walk normally …

Alice decided that she would not leave the animal in trouble and decided to take it home, realizing what a long and difficult path they would have to go through together. The first thing she did was take the kitten to the veterinarian, who gave him drips. The treatment lasted two months, and her pet recovered very slowly. The hostess shed many tears, looking at the suffering of the kitten, but she managed to put Murlyka on her paws.

Now this is a healthy and adult cat, who does not leave Alice a single step, faithfully guarding her sleep and meeting her after work. The girl is grateful to fate for such a gift. She feels how much her cat loves her and hugs him tightly at every opportunity. Thanks to Alice for not passing by a homeless animal and giving him a better life!

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