In a 25 degree freeze, a helpless dog gave birth to eight puppies. People have already rushed to save the children!


This cute dog’s name is Tilly. Until recently, she lived on the streets in St. Petersburg under the ruins of an abandoned house next to the highway.
The poor man, accompanied by his companion in misfortune, a dog, was thrown out of the car by unscrupulous owners. It happened in 2017, then the animals chose a “secluded” place where they started to live.

A kind woman was found who started feeding the animals, but soon the dog was found killed, and Tilly managed to avoid a similar fate, as she was pregnant and therefore more cautious.

The dog gave birth to eight puppies in a twenty-five degree freeze just on the street next to the destroyed building. Luckily there was a nice girl and another group of volunteers who went there and sorted out the overexposed kids so they didn’t freeze to death.

But what to do with Tilly? Somehow they managed to catch her, but the little girl was very suspicious, and her pretty face expressed all the horror and despair of the suffering animal. She also takes care of her mother, rejoicing that the dog is gradually coming back to life, feeling care and love.

Now the animal is self-confident, but still wary of strangers. Her curator sincerely hopes that the baby will soon find loving owners – she will certainly take care of it!

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