Tonight the cat came to me, came to say goodbye


Those who have never had a pet will not be able to understand the pain that their loss can cause. Pain and sadness are the same as when you lose a loved one, because over the years of living together you become attached to an animal, he shows love and affection for you, you answer him the same.

This story is filled with sadness, it is about a beloved cat and its owner, on whose behalf I will continue my story.
“We got a kitten when I was 10. For the first few minutes, my mother actively resisted the fact that I brought an animal into the house, but quickly gave up and resigned herself to the fact that now Karabas also lives with us. Mom asked why I chose such a strange name for the cat, but instead of explaining, I suggested that she carefully examine the whiskers of the animal. Almost immediately the cat became a member of our family, he lived next to us for 10 years. Karabas was there when I was growing up, falling in love, rejoicing and sad.
He saw me finish school, graduate, get married, and then divorce. He saw my second marriage, which was much happier than the first. Life went on as usual, I changed and everything around changed, but every morning Karabas came to me and rubbed his mustache on my face to remind me that it was time for me to get up.

Unfortunately, time passed faster for Karabas than for people. When he turned 18, he began to get sick. For me, this news was a shock, I was very worried and did not know what to do. The husband approached the problem rationally and took the cat to the vet. The cat was left at the clinic for treatment.

The next night I woke up with a heaviness in my chest, as if someone was lying on it. I thought it was Karabas, but when I opened my eyes I saw no one. In the morning I got a call from the clinic and was told that my cat had passed away that night. I knew for sure at what time he was gone, because his soul returned home to tell me the last goodbye.

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