How was the fate of the dog, which was “jinxed” by the failed owner


The story of a dog named Platoshka is like a melodrama with a twisted plot. The dog was half-blind when his former owner took him outside the city, where Platoshka survived in a clearing, which was chosen by stray dogs. Soon the clearing was set on fire and the animals had to escape from the fire. The village council will say that they burned garbage, but it became clear to everyone that in such a cruel way people tried to get rid of self-settlers.

Together with the rest of the animals, he fled from the burning meadow and Platosh. He could hardly see the road, so he just tried to keep up with his relatives. The animals decided to hide in an abandoned school building. Fans were already heading to the school building to clean up and burn garbage, but we arrived earlier and were able to take the animals out before they appeared. So Platosha ended up in a zoo hotel.

The dog lived in a hotel for almost a year. It was not possible to find its owners. A year later, one family took Platosha, but soon he was returned to us, saying that the dog was “not blind enough.” I still do not understand what the woman who said this meant, but I remembered her words and later they repeatedly appeared in my head.
When Plato returned to Kursk for overexposure, his condition began to deteriorate. Perhaps the woman turned out to be “eye-eyed”, or maybe bad thoughts tend to materialize, but the dog became sharply worse, and in a matter of days he completely lost his sight.

We fought to the last. Platoshka was taken to Moscow, we went through dozens of consultations with the best specialists, but the result was disappointing – vision cannot be saved, and a diagnostic operation is required to understand what caused the blindness. We agreed to intervene, believing that there was little chance of rectifying the situation. Platoshka is very young, we did not want to leave him to live in complete darkness.


The operation never took place, the professor who was supposed to carry it out fell ill, so the intervention had to be postponed.
Plato is in the capital in a hospital, and I am trying to find the strength and courage in myself for further struggle. I started writing posts about the dog, hoping that there would be a family that would love him and take care of him.

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