From hunger in a locked apartment, the dog was about to jump from the balcony, but got stuck and hung


In a small town in the Yaroslavl region, people noticed a dog. The animal hung from the balcony of an apartment on the second floor. The dog wanted to climb through the hole in the balcony, but could not fit its hind legs into it. The dog was incredibly thin, each of its bones was tightly covered with skin.

The children in the yard filmed the operation to save the animal. One of the locals brought a ladder, he went up to the balcony and was able to quickly free the animal. When the man released the dog, it became clear that she had not eaten anything for a long time.
The video caught only the moment of rescuing the dog from the balcony, but the story did not end there. The animal was taken to a grocery store nearby, so it was warmed up and given some food.

Shelters in the city were full and no one wanted to take a new ward. Over time, a resident of the house from which the dog was rescued wrote that the animal was already at the veterinarian’s appointment, and the woman also specified that she was going to write a statement to the police. The woman was familiar with the owner of the apartment from which the animal was trying to escape, so she was convinced that the dog was locked there on purpose without food and water. Some residents of the house said that a cat also lived in this apartment, which died of starvation, but to confirm this failed.

Overexposure was soon found for the starving dog, and Svetlana agreed to take care of her, and she gave her ward the name Rada.

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