The owner left the dog, and she dug herself a hole to stay there forever


Near one of the dumps, they often began to notice a small dog. The animal was dirty and overgrown, it immediately became clear that it was not on its own, but rather the owners threw it out into the street. The dog was shy, ran up to the garbage dump for a few seconds and, grabbing food, immediately ran away.

The dog outwardly resembled a beaver, in size it was no larger than an adult cat. Such dogs are often brought up in an apartment, but this one lived in a small hole, which she dug herself. Most likely, the animal decided that this hole would be the place where it would spend its last days. Dogs, like people, can lose hope and faith in a happy future.

The girl who helped the dog says her makeshift home was like a death pit. When she found out about a newcomer in her area, she understood that there was nowhere to take the dog off the street. All free overexposures have been filled for a long time, not so long ago the places ran out on paid ones. Almost every volunteer has already adopted several animals at home, which have yet to find a new home.

The mind told the girl that everything should be left as it is, but her heart called her to find the unfortunate animal and help him. The girl was able to find the dog in the garbage, but the animal was afraid of people and did not make contact, perhaps it had faced cruel treatment before. For several days, the girl fed the dog, which was imbued with confidence in her.

Taking the animal in her arms, the volunteer noted that it was too light, obviously, the dog had been starving for a long time and without help her days on the street were numbered.
The animal’s coat was long, during its life on the street it was covered with mud, fell into tangles, smelled awful. Because of the dirty coat, it was impossible to determine the sex of the dog. At the clinic, the examination began with washing and cutting, because the tangles give the animals not only discomfort, but real pain. When the animal’s coat was put in order, it became clear that this was a boy who was about five years old . It also became apparent that the dog would need serious treatment.

We named the baby Klepa. First of all, the veterinarian removed 12 of his teeth, because they were rotten and did not allow the dog to eat normally. Also, the dog was castrated, they made injections for skin allergies. We left the clinic with a list of medicines and recommendations for medical procedures.

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