The exhausted and exhausted dog could no longer stand on its paws: it wandered into a corner and did not move.


Every animal is worthy of love. Especially those animals who, in their short life, have managed to survive many trials, need it especially strongly. People found this dog in their yard. The animal was unfamiliar to them, it climbed into the yard in search of shelter, hid in a corner and tried not to even breathe so as not to attract the attention of people.

A St. Louis family found this dog in their front yard. The dog sat in the corner and tried not to move so as not to attract the attention of people. The animal was thin, very dirty, its skin was all wounded, and its fur was infested with fleas. People did not leave the animal in trouble, they put it in a box and called the rescuers.

Soon, volunteers from the shelter came for the dog. The condition of the animal was terrible, weakness and anemia did not allow him to simply stand on his paws. First of all, the dog was washed and treated for fleas, and then fed and settled in a small warm enclosure with droppers. Studied by wanderings and experiences, the animal immediately fell asleep.

The shelter staff named the dog Annie. After a few days, the treatment brought results, the wounds on the skin of the animal began to heal, she had the strength to move. Annie had to spend several days in an oxygen chamber because the doctors were concerned about the condition of her lungs.

The dog turned out to be a real fighter and was able to overcome his illnesses. Annie soon recovered and gained strength, she was transferred to another enclosure, where she was able to get to know the rest of the wards of the shelter and go outside to take a walk. “Now Annie has friends, she loves to walk and play, she lives a real dog life,” says one of the shelter employees.

When Annie recovered, she went from the shelter to an overexposure home to one of the volunteers. They are looking for owners for the dog, but for now, the shelter staff are proud of both their work and how much effort their ward put in to get a second chance for a happy life.

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