During the flood, the guy rushed to save the drowning Jaguar, and he hugged him like a house cat


Greatly increased water levels in the Amazon jungle have forced many wild animals to fight for their survival. Among them was a jaguar, which fell into the water and could not get out on land on its own. The predator was exhausted and was already going under water, when the Brazilian military noticed it, they did not hesitate to rush to the aid of the animal.

The military did not have any special devices, so they got a dangerous predator out of the water with their own hands. People did not even think that the jaguar could attack, their first priority was to save him.

The predator seemed to understand that only people could help him, so he behaved very calmly, which is not at all typical for these predators. The animal expressed its full confidence in the man, the soldier, who got him out of the water. The jaguar behaved like an ordinary cat and hugged the person who came to his aid.

The fight against the elements took away all the strength from the animal, so the military did not release it back into the jungle, where it could not hide from poachers, but took it with them so that it could get stronger before returning to the forest.

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