The dog runs away from his house to visit his friend over the fence


Everyone loves hugs, and humans are no exception. Animals are not at all against such an expression of tenderness and affection. The biggest four-legged cuddlers are Messi and Audi from Thailand.

Messi the Labrador and Audi the Husky have different owners, but they live across the street from each other. Most of the day the dogs spend on the street, because their houses have fenced yards, where the owners let them out for a walk. Audi loves its owners and as soon as they leave for work, the dog begins to whine sadly.

When the owner of the Messiah hears a dog crying across the road, she asks her pet to go to a friend and support him. The Labrador immediately goes to the fence and barks softly, because his barking is surprisingly soothing to the Husky.

In most cases, dogs communicate across the road and this is enough for them, but one day, when people did not close the gate too well, Audi ran away and immediately went to the fence behind which his friend lives. The dogs approached the low fence, stood on their paws and began to hug.

Having received his charge of happiness from hugs, Audi went to his home. Now the dogs regularly come to visit each other to receive hugs and support from each other. Such friendship between animals touches their owners, and it reminds all of us that it is much easier to solve any problems if there are those nearby who will help and support.

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