Penguin swims 8,000 km annually to thank his savior


An oil-covered penguin stood on a rock in the scorching sun. The bird was small, she got into a difficult situation and did not know what to do. With every minute of strength, the penguin had less and less. When the bird caught the eye of an elderly man, she was already very weak.

The man did not leave the penguin to the mercy of fate, he took it off the cliff and with a lot of effort was able to wash its feathers. Every day a man brought food and water to the penguin, soon the bird got stronger, in addition, she became very attached to the person who helped her in difficult times. the bird was in no hurry to part with its new friend.

For almost a year, the penguin lived in the house of his savior, but when he matured and changed from soft fluff to reliable adult plumage, he realized that it was time to go on the road.

Jingjing sailed away, the man was very homesick for his friend. A few months later, the man came to the beach and saw a group of penguins, among which was his ward. The penguin did not forget the kindness of man and sailed to the place that became his home.

Now Jingjing sails to his savior’s house every year, spends almost five months with him, and then goes on a trip along the coast of Chile and Argentina.

Now Jingjing sails to his savior’s house every year, spends almost five months with him, and then goes on a trip along the coast of Chile and Argentina.

To see his friend, the penguin has to travel eight thousand kilometers.

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