Next to motionless puppies, she was dying of hunger: volunteers rushed to the rescue


When the inhabitants of Omsk discovered this dog, it was in a terrible state. The animal was literally dying in the cold for a week, but no one paid attention to it. Only when the dog was barely alive was it seen by people who did not pass by.

The dog was starving, her strength was taken away by cancer, and her puppies lay very close by, who did not wait for help. Passers-by called the volunteers and they took the dog to the shelter. Already at the first examination, it turned out that the dog urgently needed a course of chemotherapy.

As it turned out, Alabay, who was dying on the street, was not at all homeless, the girl had owners. People did not care about the dog, they even came to feed it no more than once a week, and sometimes twice.
According to veterinarians, the dog gave birth several times. The last births took place already in the winter, it turned out that the babies only needed to move a little away from their mother so that the frost became fatal for them.

In the spring, the situation did not improve, the owners completely forgot about the dog, and in order to quench their thirst, she ate the thawed snow.

In addition to other troubles, the dog had a large tumor on the body, from which an unpleasant odor emanated. After examination and tests, the doctors diagnosed him with sarcoma. The dog was taken from negligent owners, taken to a shelter and given the name Dean.
Immediately, Dina was sterilized, and then they started treating the tumor, which required a serious course of chemotherapy.

Despite all the trials that fell to her, Dina never ceases to enjoy every new day. She lives in a small cage, but is happy that she does not have to be in the rain and endure frost. Every day she has water and food, and this is enough for her to smile.
Dina is very affectionate and smart, she is calm and loves the company of people. When the course of chemotherapy is over, the volunteers will look for a new family for Dinu. I hope this story will have a happy ending.

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