The dog fell into a cave and spent almost two weeks without food and water.


Tourists went on a speleological trip. There were several shallow caves along their route, in the native of which they found a painfully thin dog who looked at them as his last hope.
Tourists set off to explore shallow caves in a national forest in Indiana, USA. Having descended into one of these caves, at a depth of nine meters they found a dog that looked at them with a hopeful look, because the animal could not get out on its own.

It was necessary to get the dog with the help of ropes, but during the rescue operation the dog did not resist people at all. Perhaps he did not have the strength for this, or perhaps he understood that this was his only chance for salvation.

When the dog was on the surface, people were able to get a better look at it. The dog was in a terrible state, he could hardly get up on his paws and was extremely thin. People suggested that the dog spent more than one day in the cave without food and water. The dog was immediately taken to the animal rescue center.

The staff of the center not only provided first aid to the dog, but also began to look for its owners, suggesting that the dog could get lost. The dog and its adventures were told about on local news, and after the story, the owners of the dog immediately called the rescue center.

So it turned out that the dog’s name is Hawkeye, and he spent about two weeks in the cave, because it was during this period that the owners were looking for him. According to people, Hawkeye escaped from them while walking in the forest. For several days they searched for a pet, but to no avail. All this time the dog lay in the cave, unable to give people a sign. When the owner came for Hawkeye, the dog did not hold back his joy. People were also happy to see their pet again and with tears in their eyes thanked everyone who helped save his life.

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