Employees of one company could not understand where their cat was wearing cash


Stuart McDaniel owns a marketing company. The office is on the ground floor, and he began to notice mice running around the room.

It was decided to deal with rodents in the traditional way – Stewart settled a cat in the office, which he took in a shelter. The kid was six months old, he quickly got used to the office, where, in addition to catching mice, he also “helped” employees, periodically jumping on their desk and walking along the keyboard.

One day, employees of the company saw that there was cash in front of the glass doors that lead to the office. The doors were closed, and the cat was sitting near cash with a proud look.
People did not understand how the money appeared in the room, but the next day the cat was sitting next to the cash.

Employees of the company began to monitor the actions of the cat and this is what they learned: the cat sits in front of closed glass doors, basking in the sun. Some passers-by want to play with the animal, and in order to interest it, they put small banknotes into a narrow gap between the doors. At the moment when the cat notices the money, he quickly runs up to the door and deftly takes it from the astonished passers-by.

The office building is located in a busy place, a lot of people pass here during the day, many of them walk around the shopping centers located in the area and are in no hurry, so both the cat itself and the banknotes near it attract their attention, and they often repeat the experience of those who has already left the cat some cash.

Stuart and his staff decided that the money earned by the cat should go to a good cause and are now donating it to a center for the homeless. An announcement appeared on the office door saying that the money that the cat collects helps the homeless.
The fame of the cat quickly went beyond the city limits and those who cannot come and personally give the cat money send it by mail.

The owner of the animal decided to beat the cat’s addiction to cash in its name, calling it Kashnip, having beaten both the word “cash” and “catnip” in the name.

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