Blood was gushing out of a puppy, and people just walked past him.


The suffering of a little puppy trying to survive on the street was seen by many, everyone understood that he did not have a home, but they could not be found who wanted to take him to their place, at least for one night. We also did not have a place for another ward, but we could not leave the baby on the street. The puppy was very weak, he was cold and had not eaten for a long time, so this night on the street could be his last.

The puppy came to us on the verge of life and death. The temperature was so low that it was almost impossible to measure it, he constantly vomited blood, his feces were painted red with it, the baby was dehydrated, with almost white mucous membranes, and also almost did not react to people and what was happening around.

We have never seen such a small and skinny puppy vomit so much blood. It became clear that in the cold, without food and water, the puppy lived for more than one day. When the temperature was finally taken, the thermometer showed less than 37 degrees.

At first glance, it was clear that the baby was suffering a lot. Without delay, we took him to the clinic, sensitively monitoring his every breath along the way. In such a turmoil, we didn’t even have time to come up with a name for the baby. All volunteers refused the puppy, so he was left alone with his problems, among cars, snow and human indifference.

The veterinarian did not find external injuries on the baby’s body, suggesting that both enteritis and damage to internal organs could be the cause of the problems. The doctor does not exclude that the puppy has become a victim of human cruelty and the cause of his condition may be poison or a foreign object.

To determine the cause of the problems and begin treatment, it is necessary to pass a series of tests, do a blood test, ultrasound and X-ray. We have very little time, because every minute the baby is getting worse.

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