“We don’t need you”: the owners left the dog, and he stared at the wall in grief and did not move


Only good people can save our world. Not everyone can help, but this does not mean that you should not try to do this. Real kindness can work wonders, as proven by the people who decided to help a dog named Boston after his owners abandoned him.

Boston volunteers found on the streets of Sydney. The dog sat and looked at one point, completely oblivious to what was happening around. There was such sadness in the eyes of the animal that the volunteers could hardly hold back tears. After the owners betrayed the dog, he fell into depression and ceased to be interested in anything around.

An employee of the animal protection organization said that the former owners simply left Bostnon on the street. According to the woman, the dog could not come to terms with the betrayal of the people he loved, so he became very depressed and apathetic.

When the volunteers took Boston off the street, they found out that the dog was not yet a year old. Volunteers shared the photo and the story of the dog on social networks. The photo shows that the dog is sitting in the corner and does not take his eyes full of sadness from the wall. Many of those who saw the photo immediately began to call the shelter and offer help, there were also those who wanted to take the dog, assuring that the photo almost made them burst into tears.

The shelter began to receive visitors who, although they could not take Boston for themselves, wanted to spend time with him and cheer up the dog. Many wrote words of support to the dog on the net.

The history of Boston has become an impetus for many to tell the world about their pets. In their stories, users wrote that thanks to animals they overcame difficult periods in their lives, told how pets adapted to a new home and how they quickly became their best friends.

According to the shelter workers, Boston has a great character, but it is difficult for him to adapt to life surrounded by other animals. For this dog, it will be the best way out – to live in a family where he will be the only pet.

I would like to believe that very soon this beautiful dog will find a new family and sadness in his eyes will be replaced by love and joy.

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