A pigeon that can’t fly makes friends with a puppy that can’t walk


A dove unable to fly has become the best friend of a dog that cannot walk.

For the past few years, a pigeon named Herman has lived in an animal shelter. The bird was found at one of the car dealerships. The employees of the salon noticed that for several days a bird was sitting nearby, which practically did not move.

Volunteers took the pigeon away, it was examined by a veterinarian and prescribed treatment, but the ability to fly to the bird never returned. According to the doctors, the cause of such an anomaly could be both an injury and a virus. Volunteers often take the pigeon outside so that it can be in the fresh air.

A puppy named Lundy has not been in the shelter for so long, only a couple of months. The baby was given to the shelter at the age of 4 weeks, while he was actually tiny and weighed less than 150 grams. During the two weeks spent under the care of volunteers, the baby was able to gain another 100 grams. Lundy was given to the shelter by the breeder, who discovered that the puppy was sick, which means that he needed special care.

According to the founder of the fund for helping animals, the puppy was born with immobile hind legs and in the future he will be able to move only thanks to a wheelchair. Volunteers do not lose hope of finding a home for Lundy.
Lundy and Herman met at the orphanage. One of the volunteers looked after the puppy, and the dove was sitting on the couch nearby. The girl decided to arrange the puppy next to the pigeon and see how the unusual couple would behave. As soon as the animals were nearby, they immediately began to look at each other with interest, and then stretch closer to each other.

Thus began this unusual friendship, which brings a lot of joy to both the puppy and the bird. Now they are often seen together, hugging or playing with each other.

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