Desperate dog lived in a shelter for 2 years until he smelled a familiar smell


Sometimes the owners make a mistake and taking advantage of it, the dogs run away to take a walk. Unfortunately, animals often get lost on unfamiliar city streets and cannot find their way to their homes. Interestingly, cats are much more likely to find their way home on their own, while lost dogs rarely return on their own.

Dog Uno and his owner live in Argentina. Once Uno noticed that the man had closed the front doors badly and ran out for a walk, the animal could not find its way home. The owner looked for the dog, but never found it. Uno was met on the streets of the city by caring passers-by who contacted the animal shelter. The shelter staff understood that the dog was not adapted to survival on the street, so they took her under their care.

In the shelter, Uno sat in the corner of the cage and did not want to make contact with either people or other animals.

The dog was sad and lethargic, the volunteers could not even take good pictures of her to post them on social networks along with the announcement of the search for owners. For two weeks, the dog got used to life in the shelter, and only after that he allowed himself to be photographed.

As soon as the volunteers posted a photo of Uno on the social network, just a few minutes later they received a call from a woman who said that the dog belonged to her son and asked not to give the animal to anyone, because his owner would soon come for him.
The man arrived at the shelter a few hours later. Uno, who was sitting in the corner of the enclosure, immediately recognized the owner, his behavior and mood immediately changed, he began wagging his tail happily and cuddling up to his loved one.

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