For 8 months, the cat walked 3,000 kilometers: he really wanted to find his beloved owners


A cat named Karim lived in Uzbekistan with his owners – a married couple and their son. In search of a better life, the family decided to move to Russia. For a while, people made a plan and prepared to leave. Even at the planning stage, it was decided that the family would not take the cat on such a long and risky journey.

It was not clear how to look for a new home and work in a foreign country, adults were worried that, together with the animal, they might not be allowed into rented housing. Karim went to live with family friends who promised to take care of him. The family did not want to part with their pet, this decision was not easy for them. Soon, friends called and said that Karim also could not stand the separation and ran away.

Settling in a foreign country was not easy, but soon the family was able to establish life in a new place. The couple got a job, and the boy began to study at school and made new friends
Eight months after the move, the woman was already working in the local market. Arriving at work, she noticed a cat at the pavilion, which looked very familiar.

Looking closely, the woman realized that the cat looked very much like Karim, and when the animal ran towards her, she guessed that this was the cat that had lived in her family for many years. It was clear that the road was not easy for the animal: the cat was emaciated, there were many wounds on his body and paws, he could hardly find the strength to move.

The woman came home already with Karim, only the family could not believe that this was really their cat. When the animal had a rest and began to get used to the new house, the father and son admitted that the cat was not only outwardly a complete copy of Karim, but also in its behavior.
The cat spent eight months on the road from his native country to the Russian Federation, covering more than three thousand kilometers during this time. This story so impressed everyone that Karim got on TV screens and the front pages of newspapers.

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