Tosya was left in the winter near the road in the forest. She lived in a cardboard box


Tosya was abandoned on the side of the forest outside the city limits. The dog could not believe that the owner would not return for it, so it sat by the road, afraid to move even a few meters away. The locals noticed the animal and took pity, so a box appeared next to the dog in which she could at least get warm, as well as a bowl in which people left food for her. Tosya sat by the road and followed the cars with a sad look, hoping that one day one of them would stop and the owner she loved so much would get out of it.

The girl, whose house is located nearby, took Tosya home from the side of the road several times to take care of her and start looking for new owners, but the dog each time returned to the road, to the same place, hoping that the owners would return and take her away.

The mark from the collar on the animal’s neck indicated that she used to have a home and people who took care of her, but we never found out why they decided to leave their friend by the road.

Tosya sat on the side of the road for a long time, afraid to move far from the place where she was dropped from the car. She tried to keep the hope that she would soon be back, but as the car passed by, they took away with them a piece of her faith that the owner would soon take her away. Immediately the dog ran up to the road as soon as the noise of the car was heard in the distance, then it simply followed the car with its eyes, and then, realizing that the old life had gone forever, it began to slowly explore the surroundings.

When the girl made another attempt to take Tosya to her yard for overexposure, she did not resist and did not try to escape, but decided to start life anew.

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