When buying a house, the former owner threatened to poison her dog. She didn’t need a woman…


Natalya Semashko affectionately calls her beloved dogs “bandits” for their mischievous nature and talent for pranks.

Three cute dogs live at the girl’s house, and until recently there were two of them, but first things first…

Six years ago, Natasha adopted a dog named Busya. At that time, the animal was about a year old. The girl brought the crumbs home from work, seeing that the poor thing had a very hard life on the street and took pity on her.
Two years ago, Natalia’s family grew by one more ponytail. She took a small puppy from the shelter, whom she named Dinich. The girl thought that she would stop at two pets, but no such luck! Life took a different direction…

Not so long ago, Gina also appeared in the house. Natasha’s family decided to buy a house in the village that already had a dog. The former owner of the animal did not want to take Gina with her, and she was not going to leave her there. For some reason, the idea came to the woman’s head to poison the dog, and she almost put her terrible plan into action! But Natasha intervened, who managed to persuade him to give the dog to her.

The pet was very thin, and all her fur was covered with burdock. Now Natalia’s family is intensively fattening the dog and trying in every possible way to show her that now her life has changed for the better and nothing bad will happen to her anymore … The girl thinks that three dogs in the house are great! And who knows, maybe another ponytail will soon join Natalya’s family?

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