A cat with a fractured vertebrae asked for help for several days, but everyone passed by


This cat fell out of the window, however, we do not know if this happened due to his own negligence or if people helped him. Under the windows of the house, the cat lay for several days, he did not have the strength to move, so he cried loudly, trying to call people for help.

Only a few days later people passed by who did not ignore the cat’s cry, but undertook to help. It was clear that the cat had a spinal injury, but the people who discovered it had absolutely no idea how to help such an animal. All they could do was call me and tell me about the problem. I’ve had several spinal cats, so I can imagine what kind of care they need. The cat obviously needed help, so I told people to bring him to me.

As it turned out, all these days the cat could not go to the toilet on his own, this is a common problem for spinal cords, and people simply did not know that he needed to urinate. First of all, I dealt with the filled urinary animal.
In the area of ​​the tail, the cat had already developed bedsores, the pupils were greatly dilated. It turned out that the cat did not see anything at all. How long he lay at the house is unknown, but by the time he got to me, he was extremely thin.

I immediately took the cat to the vet. The poor guy’s mustache was cut off, and the X-ray showed several old fractures, as well as a fresh fracture of the spine in two places and a fracture of the femoral neck. We were prescribed Tremel for healing, there is a hope that the bones will grow together, if this does not happen, the cat will have to be operated on.

The cat is frightened, he starts to get nervous, as soon as you pick him up, however, when he realizes that they are not going to throw him or drop him, he calms down a bit. It’s scary to imagine how a cat was bullied before, if the touch of a person causes such a reaction in him.

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