The dog did not let the pregnant cat even into the barn


This cat came into my life exactly on my birthday. There is a ravine in Smolensk, the two sides of which are connected by the Devil’s Bridge. It was in the ravine under the bridge that this cat appeared. The animal was a beautiful red color, and also, with a very large belly.

The cat was sitting not far from the road and did not go anywhere, despite the rain and sleet, pus stood out from the eyes of the animal, it was clear that she had a bad cold. Sometimes the cat was fed, sometimes she went to the local garbage dump to get herself something to eat. Judging by the size of her belly, her children were due to be born very soon. A friend of mine noticed the ginger cat and then told me about her.

A friend could not pick up the cat, she only fed her and talked to her, so the cat went to her arms. Stray dogs were running around the dump, so it was impossible to leave the animal there. According to local residents, the cat used to live in a house nearby. The owner of the animal died, and her children sold the house. The new tenants drove in with their dog, which immediately began to rush at the cat and would not let it even into a small shed in the yard, where the cat used to hide from the weather.

On my birthday, a friend called me in the morning and after congratulations told me that she had taken the cat, but she had nowhere to go with her, the family is categorically against the new pet. So I went to pick up my unusual gift.

First of all, I took the cat to the doctor, because she made strange sounds. The veterinarian said that it was prenatal spasms and in a week, a maximum of ten days, the kittens would be born. Ultrasound showed that we were late with the sterilization, and there will be at least three kittens.

I gave the red cat the name Masya. Due to a severe cold, the doctor prescribed some drugs and enhanced nutrition, we also drip her eyes, but antibiotics for the expectant mother are not yet available.

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