The owners left, leaving the cat in this state to crawl near the house


This story is about Malta, my ward, who was left all alone in the dachas. The situation was complicated by the fact that the cat’s spine was injured. I learned about Malta last autumn.

My friends have a dacha not far from the city, when they arrived there in the fall, a red cat crawled into their yard. The animal was hungry, and it was also difficult to move. People didn’t know what to do.

It was scary to leave the cat alone, everyone had left the dachas and there would be no one to feed her, and she herself was not able to get food for herself. The cat almost did not move, which means that it will also not be able to find a warm and dry place to spend the night.

Friends called me, I immediately went for a cat.
People fed the animal and built a warm bed for it, but it was clear that without the help of a veterinarian, this situation could not be coped with. I took my cat and went straight to the doctor. First of all, the animal was x-rayed.

In the pictures, the doctor saw that the spine was injured in two places, in addition, the cat had a cold, as a result of life on the street, pneumonia was diagnosed. The cat had been moving poorly for some time, so the muscle tone was reduced.

First of all, Malta needed to gain strength, then I started doing exercises and massages for her, which would allow spinal walking to start. If at the beginning of rehabilitation Malta had difficulty crawling, today we already have successes and movements are much easier for her.

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