Disabled kitten was used to collect money and fed only pasta and water


This sad, but at the same time, angry story happened in the Kursk region. In one of the groups on the social network, a post appeared, the author of which asked for help paying for the treatment for the kitten. According to the author, the teenage kitten did not walk, perhaps the reason for this was a car collision, because she found the kitten in a puddle by the road.

People responded to the request and began to transfer money for the treatment of the animal. Unfortunately, few people carefully examined the photo and paid attention to the conditions in which the girl keeps her ward.

In a photo taken a few days after the kitten was found, it was still very dirty, including soiled in its own feces. A thin tail, matted hair, fear in the eyes – this is exactly what the baby looked like. The photo showed that he was lying in a small dirty box, and next to him was his bowl, which contained pasta. For a couple of days, the girl collected donations for the treatment of the cat, but she never took him to the clinic.

Under her post, questions began to appear about when she would show the animal to the veterinarian, because his condition clearly required immediate medical attention. The girl answered questions with questions: “Do you understand that a visit to the clinic is expensive?” Soon someone reviewed the contents bowls of a cat and there were questions about the nutrition of the animal, especially since people wrote that they had transferred money for the treatment and nutrition of the cat. But the answer from the girl came all the same: everything is expensive, but there is not enough money. In the end, people began to understand that the money they send to the girl does not go to help the cat at all, they began to resent and insist that the animal urgently needs to see a doctor.

The cat was taken from the girl, although she resisted. When the baby finally ended up in the clinic, the doctors were amazed at his condition. An x-ray showed that a complex operation is tedious, but veterinarians do not give any guarantees that it will bring results. After the operation, special care will be required, but the cat has neither owners nor a curator, which means that there is simply no one to take care of him. In such circumstances, doctors often decide to euthanize the animal, because without constant human help, four-legged invalids have practically no chance of surviving.

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