“Two years ago we saved a husky puppy from being euthanized”: how did he become in a new family


Snowball was two months old when his owners brought him to the veterinary clinic. The owners of the puppy demanded from the doctor to euthanize the animal, because he had worms … People did not want to hear that the problem could be solved with the help of a few pills, they no longer needed the husky.

We took the puppy, dealt with worms and other parasites, washed it and quickly found a new family for him. Snowball went to the family where the Rottweiler already lived and it was he who turned out to be the best nanny for the restless husky.

Snowball had problems with his paws, he periodically began to limp on his hind legs. The owners did not ignore the condition of the animal and turned to the veterinarians. Treatment and rehabilitation were required, but the problem was solved.

Having decided to take a husky, people understood that there could be various surprises ahead. The dog was abandoned, in the former family it was not properly fed and even wanted to be euthanized. No one guaranteed that Snowball would grow up as a standard representative of the breed, nor that sooner or later he would not have health problems.

Two years later, the owners of Sneg say that all these risks were worth it. The dog is perfectly healthy. Amazingly active and dearly loved by all family members.

The initiative to take Snezhka came from Dima, he had long wanted a husky, but his wife persuaded him to get a calmer dog as his first pet, so a Rottweiler appeared in the family. This time Dima has already persuaded his wife, in the photo you can immediately see who is most happy that a new pet has appeared in the family. Although Dima is Snezhka’s main pet, he also loves his mistress Olya, and he is most interested in playing with little Sasha.

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