I saw a man with a trembling disabled Chihuahua without clothes in the cold: I decided to buy


I have already noticed this Chihuahua several times when he was walking with his owners. So this time I saw a baby who could hardly keep up with his parents, limping without the opportunity to lean on one of his front paws. The parents of the baby were in clothes and on leashes, and the baby himself hobbled after them.

The owners did not wear it, despite the rain outside. I was able to take a closer look at the paw of the dog, it was shorter than the rest, very thin and with only one finger. After talking with the owners, I found out that with such a feature, the baby was born with such a feature. Knowing that the owners of dogs breed them for sale, unexpectedly for myself, I asked the man if he wanted to sell Kysh, that was the name of the baby. Probably, the meek and very touching look with which the puppy looked at me while I was talking with its owner prompted me to ask the question.

The man assured me that he would be happy to sell the puppy, especially since no one but me showed any interest in the sick baby. We agreed with the man that I would come for Kysh the next day. I perfectly understood that one more dog in my rented apartment was already too much, but I could not leave the baby in a house where he was not loved and not taken care of. I hoped that I would help the Chihuahua by finding him a good doctor, and eventually loving owners. I immediately set about preparing a wardrobe for the baby, bought him a harness and warm clothes. When I came to a meeting with a man, I immediately noticed a dog sitting on the window and looking out into the street, as if waiting for me.

That day, I saw Kysh up close only for the second time, but he immediately ran towards me and expressed joy with his whole appearance. Because of the sore paw, the owners considered the puppy to be defective, which is why they asked for a little for him. The baby did not have a dowry, they gave me only one old toy with me.

I immediately gave Kysh a new name – Kostya. He was a real sunshine. As soon as he was in the apartment, my cats surrounded him. Kostya was much smaller than even the smallest of the cats, but at the same time he was not at all afraid, he behaved very politely with them. The cats seemed to understand that the dog needs special attention and protection, they did not hiss and did not try to show who was in charge in the house, on the contrary, they began to look after a new friend.

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