From an ugly duckling to a beautiful swan: what was the homeless after 2 years


When the kitten was noticed by his future handler, he looked terrible. The wool was covered with tangles and burrs, smeared with some kind of oily substance. There was no hair on the neck at all, but traces of iodine were visible. Probably, someone tried to treat the baby, but nothing came of it.

“Come to me, let’s try to put you in order,” the girl said, taking the baby from the street.
The kitten just slept for a day, not expressing the slightest interest in food. This is normal for kittens that have been taken from the street and placed in a warm place. The next day, the baby’s behavior did not change at all, the curator realized that he was sick. The baby only had enough strength to slowly crawl to the battery, after which he lay again, practically not moving.

The girl immediately took the baby to the clinic, where he was examined and his temperature was measured. The doctor found exhaustion, dehydration, discoloration of the mucous membranes and a very low body temperature.
The blood test also did not console, its results indicated that the animal was dying. They put the kitten on heating pads and put him on drips. It took a day for the baby to warm up. The joy did not last long, the second visit showed that the temperature rose very strongly, from 34 degrees on the first measurement to 42 on the second.

The kitten was extremely weak, refused to eat and hardly moved. At the same time, he did not want to give up and struggled to live. The curator helped him with everything she could, even learned how to put a dropper and give injections, because it was necessary to administer medicines every two hours, and it was simply impossible to go to the clinic for this. For several days, the kitten spent around the clock in the arms of a girl who dug him up. Little by little, the baby began to purr and open her eyes to look at her savior with a look full of love and gratitude.

The girl gave the kitten a name – Proshka. She literally pulled the baby out of the clutches of death, but even after recovery, Proshka remained not the prettiest kitten. His hair had to be partially cut, because of this he looked disproportionate. No one responded to the announcement of the search for a family, most likely, the potential owners were frightened by the photo of the baby.
A month later, the kitten’s hair grew back, he became a real handsome man with a black and white color. The new ad and photo attracted much more attention and soon Prosha had his own house.

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