The owner left the blind hound in the winter in a field where there is not a soul, but the smell led her to people


Zlata caught the eye of the volunteers, who immediately realized that the dog needed to be saved. She was so thin that every bone shone through her skin, her gaze was not even sad, but completely extinct, as if nothing in the life of the animal was interesting anymore. From weakness, Zlata could hardly stand on her feet, and tried to move on the ground and grass, because the asphalt and stones caused too much pain to her injured paws.

Despite her terrible condition, Zlata retained the characteristics of the breed, characteristic of the Russian hound. Even the hungry life on the street could not destroy a special position and nobility.
It immediately became clear that the former owner rarely communicated with his pet, did not stroke her, and in general, paid almost no attention to her. The dog was not accustomed to the proximity of a person, did not understand why they wanted to pet her or, in general, touch her. Even now she does not like being touched, does not understand affection.

At the same time, it was evident that the dog was accustomed to unquestioning obedience. Zlata instantly executes any commands, obeys and endures, even if she understands that the procedure will be painful. Even a slight pull on the leash makes her stop in place. Most likely, the previous owner achieved such humility from her, using very cruel methods.
There is not much joy in Zlata’s life, but car trips turned out to be very inspiring for her. Most likely, before such trips were an omen of an imminent hunt, the only source of joy in her sad life.

It’s scary to imagine what Zlata had to deal with before. As soon as she got old and began to see poorly, which means she could not hunt, the owner simply abandoned her, not thinking about how she would survive alone in the middle of winter.

Veterinarians conducted research and concluded that the dog had lived in poor conditions for many years. Most likely, she lived in the cold and lacked even daylight, which caused many of her internal organs to be badly damaged. Zlata also did not know good nutrition, according to doctors, her diet consisted of bones and leftovers, but they were never enough.

The animal’s front paw was injured, possibly due to life on the street, or perhaps due to human cruelty. We will not know this, just as why she ended up at the monastery in the winter, to the courtyard of which the smell of food led her.

I really want Zlata to spend at least her last years in warmth, so that she knows how care feels, the taste of good food and the warmth of human hands.

For now, Zlata will have an operation on her paw, but the doctors will take it on only after the swelling becomes less and all the dirt comes out of the wound. Zlata lives in foster care, and, apparently, while these are the best conditions, of all that she has known in her life.

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