A small dog cannot walk, there is nothing to be treated for, because it has no owner


When they found Berta, it turned out she couldn’t walk. The little dog moved on its front paws, while its hind legs simply dragged along. Julia noticed an unusual baby and took pity on her, because the temperature outside was dropping rapidly. Having wrapped the animal in a blanket found in the car, the girl immediately took him to the clinic. The doctor gave an encouraging prognosis – Berta will be able to walk, but for this she will have to undergo a long and difficult treatment.

Yulia was lucky to find an overexposure for the dog, but later it turned out that the son of the owner of the overexposure does not share her love for animals. When Bertha whined in pain and fear, the guy simply carried her to the barn, where it was damp and cold. Julia realized that the dog should be taken at least for the duration of the treatment, so Berta ended up at her house.
At the beginning of the treatment Yulia and Berta were assisted by a volunteer organization, but then it was unable to provide further support.

After two months of treatment, the veterinarians concluded that the dog’s condition was worse than they initially thought. Berta needs immediate help, expensive treatment and long-term rehabilitation, but Julius does not have enough money to pay for them. It was also not possible to find someone who would want to take Berta and take care of her.
Very sorry for the animal. From the photo, a small puppy is looking at me, which is trying with all its might to keep hope and sadly smiles at the photographer.

I took a chance and sent Yulia and Berta to the clinic. I’m trying to stay optimistic, but it’s hard because we don’t even know if we can pay the doctor’s bills and help the dog.

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