The old thin dog walked in circles on the side of the road, and then lay down on the roadway and did not get up


Salim told me about this dog. The man lives in Kursk and during another walk with his dog, he saw a dog that was extremely weak. The man noticed that the animal was walking in circles, sometimes running out onto the road. In the end, the dog lay down just in the middle of the roadway and did not rise again. This behavior of the dog surprised Salim, and he hurried to the rescue.

When he approached the dog, a car stopped nearby. The driver and passenger asked Salim if he needed help. The man did not know which clinic to take the animal to, and he did not have money for treatment, so he called me.

For me, the call was an unpleasant surprise. The day turned out to be difficult, today we had to help three seriously ill animals at once, but I also could not refuse the animal, which, judging by the man’s story, required urgent help. We asked to take the dog to the clinic so that he could be examined and we could decide what to do next. When the men took the dog off the road and loaded it into the car, he did not put up any resistance.

When the dog got to the clinic, it was deep evening and it was not possible to conduct a full examination. Doctors helped the dog, but said to return in the morning for a full examination, as the dog was diagnosed with malnutrition and other diseases.

Apparently, before Kuzya was chained to a chain, in addition, the owners did not care about his food and offended him.

Salim and Kuzya left the clinic at night, it was not clear what to do with the dog. All our overexposures, including paid ones, were full. Kuzya looked hopefully at Salim, but he could not help him, because he lives in a rented apartment and has a dog.


We called everyone we could, Oksana agreed to help us. The woman had already helped us more than once, and this time she did not mind leaving Kuzya with her until the morning.

As soon as he got into the house, the dog immediately fell asleep. The animal did not even have the strength to drink, he just lay down in the corridor and immediately fell asleep.

In the morning Kuzya began to slowly walk around the apartment, trying to figure out where he was. He was still extremely weak, therefore, after trampling for several minutes and drinking a little, he fell at Oksana’s feet. The kid looks at people with hope, as if looking for protection and help from them. To be honest, I have no idea what to do next. I’m sorry about the dog, but I have no idea where to send him today after his appointment at the clinic. We have only a small cage at our disposal, but it is located on the street. All other holdings are completely filled.

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