A family of hedgehogs led a homeless kitten to food


Hedgehogs appeared under a tree near our window. I noticed a prickly family quite unexpectedly. Under this tree, I leave food for street cats, who come to our yard to eat every day after sunset. One evening, I noticed that hedgehogs were eating from the bowl that I left for the cats. One of them was large, the rest were babies, so I thought that mom brought her kids for lunch. The hedgehogs did not pay attention to me, continuing to treat themselves with appetite to cat food. From that day on, in addition to food for cats, I began to bring food to hedgehogs, which very quickly became tame.

Hearing the rustle of packages, the prickly family immediately ran to me. The diet of hedgehogs did not differ from what cats and dogs ate, but I put a separate bowl for them, hiding it better in the bushes.

That evening, I brought food to my charges and was about to leave when I heard a kitten crying very close by. In search of an animal, I went around the whole yard, but no one came to my call. I decided that I heard a kitten squeaking in one of the apartments and went home.

Active rustling under the window began in the morning, it was heard by me and my mother. When I went outside, I saw a family of hedgehogs. They sat near the toe set up for them and watched a small kitten eat from it. Seeing me, the black-and-white baby was frightened and stepped back behind the hedgehog mother, as if expecting her to protect him. I thought that the hedgehogs themselves showed the kitten where the bowl of food was, since he was clearly new on the street and did not yet know how to get his own food on his own.

The behavior of hedgehogs surprised me, I had never encountered these animals before and did not know what they were capable of. The hedgehogs were not at all afraid of the kitten, then I discovered that among my homeless people there was an adult cat, with whom they became very friends.

When I picked up the kitten from the ground, he did not object, on the contrary, he clung to me and began to purr loudly, and the hedgehogs, meanwhile, began to eat dinner, finishing the food left in the bowl.

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