This apartment was a real prison for the cat, from which he wanted to escape


We think that it is difficult for cats to survive on the street, while life in the house is more familiar and comfortable for them, because they are warm there, they have food and they are taken care of. Unfortunately, that’s not always the case.

Sometimes people are so carried away by the desire to save all the animals around that they do not calculate their strength and as a result the animals end up in the house, but the conditions there are such that they often starve, get sick and die much earlier than the time set by nature.

Today, Wilson the cat looks great, but it wasn’t always like that. He used to live in an apartment with dozens of other cats. The house was a mess, the animals were poorly cared for, so Wilson was thin and always dirty. In this house, the cat had a shelter, nothing more: there was not enough food for all the animals, no one played with them, did not wash or comb them out, and the owners of the animals did not take them to the veterinarians either.

Even the photos of the apartment where the cats lived are horrifying.

When the volunteers found out about the overcrowded apartment, they set about resettling it. So Wilson got to the center of Murkosh.

The cat was treated, in particular. They dealt with a neglected eye infection, vaccinated and provided the necessary care and a balanced diet.
Wilson became a real handsome redhead, so he managed to find a family very quickly, although only on the second attempt. The first family could not cope with an active pet, but the second adopted him as their own.

Looking at a photo of Wilson during the period when he lived in a crowded apartment and pictures of how he looks now, it seems that these are different animals.

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