An orphan kitten made friends with a dog that lost puppies: the dog adopted him as his own


Mohammed Ala Jalil was given the nickname “The Cat Man of Aleppo”. The man received an unusual name for saving cats that, due to the war in his country, lost their owners and home. Shelter for cats, he organized just at home. The man also took care of the dog Amir, who lived on the street nearby. Mukhamed always fed the dog, and when he found out that she was expecting offspring, he took her to his yard and built a booth for her. Unfortunately, Amina’s babies died before birth.

The dog really missed her children, in order to at least brighten up her loneliness, the volunteers gave her a teddy bear, which very quickly became her favorite toy.

Not only did Amira like the teddy bear, but so did Junior, a little kitten who recently came to the shelter and who did not have a mother.

The kid was so interested in the toy that he was not afraid of the dog and came up to examine it.
Having looked at the toy, the kitten decided to get acquainted with Amira.

The dog liked the brave kid and soon they became best friends. After a while, neither Amira nor Junior remembered the teddy bear that brought them together, because they became real friends.

Amira and Junior spend all their time together, they share food, play with each other and even sleep side by side. The kitten loves to climb on the back of his girlfriend, and she is always delighted with his pranks.
This couple turned out to be so touching that they even painted a picture of them.

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