A street pregnant cat looked at passers-by with hope in her eyes.


A cat with a big belly wandered along the sidewalk when it was noticed by caring people. She was expecting babies, and it started to get colder outside, so people decided to take care of her.

Almost all her life this cat was a stray, she wandered the streets of Oregon, several times she just gave birth to kittens on the street, but this time she was much more fortunate, because people noticed her and gave her a chance for a new life. The pregnant cat was caught and taken to a local animal shelter.

The shelter staff named their new ward Celeste, they fed her and treated her for parasites and fleas. A couple of days later, Celeste had babies. 8 kittens were born, fortunately, they were all perfectly healthy. Celeste did an excellent job of coping with the role of a mother, especially since she was surrounded by the care of the shelter staff and felt that no one would offend her.

As soon as Seles had babies, they found an overexposure for the whole family. One of the shelter volunteers took care of the cat and kittens. It took Celeste some time to adjust to her new home, but she soon got used to it and was absolutely happy to take care of her little ones and enjoy the love that the temporary mistress surrounded her.
Despite the fact that it was very difficult to take care of 8 kids, Celeste became an excellent mother. She closely monitors her kittens, takes care of their hygiene and their health. The kittens grew quickly and very soon began to explore the new home and play with each other.

Celeste carefully watched that the kids behaved well, and also taught them all the feline tricks. After a while, the kids felt great even without their mother’s help, therefore, Celestas began to spend much more time with her guardian, purring in her arms.

When the kittens became completely independent, they found new owners for them. Celeste also left for a new family, now she is happy and bathed in the love of her owners.

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