An emaciated Dalmatian frozen to the garbage cans


The condition of this Dalmatian is extremely serious.
He is emaciated and dehydrated, there is a wound on his front paw, as well as on his head, and there are traces of frostbite on his body.

Who and why brought the dog to this state is not clear. The Dalmatian was found at the dumpster, by that time he did not move, because he was literally frozen into the ice. People passed by the dog, but no one took pity on him. Sympathy for the homeless animal was shown only by the same homeless people who came to the container in search of recyclables. It was they who were able to tear the dog off the ice and brought it to the shelter.

The Dalmatian has frostbite in the region of the scapula, as well as in the flanks, the wound on the head bleeds, as well as the wound on the paw.

Among other things, the animal is dehydrated and has not eaten for a long time, so its body has turned into a skin-covered skeleton. At first glance, pus is visible, and the body temperature was so low that we could not measure it. It is hard to even imagine what is happening to the internal organs and how damaged they are.

The condition of the dog is so serious that it is even difficult to decide where to begin treatment, but there is no doubt that help is very much needed.

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