The cat crawled in a puddle, its hind legs did not work: it looked into people’s eyes, and they passed by


The cat was badly crippled, he could not get up on his paws and crawled in a puddle on the sidewalk, but this picture did not touch passers-by who were in a hurry to go about their business. This level of indifference is hard for me to understand.

The cat’s hind legs do not move, we assume that this is due to problems with the spine, to confirm our fears, we need at least an X-ray, and preferably an MRI.
Pus is oozing from the eyes and nose of the animal, indicating a serious viral infection, so tests will also be required to identify a specific disease and find the right treatment.

Most likely, the cat crawled in puddles for a long time, including in his own urine, so he also has urinary dermatitis, inflammation and swelling of the scrotum.

The body temperature of the animal is critically low, it is difficult to raise it, and no one guarantees that everything will work out.

And the withers of the cat have a large cavity with pus and hair that needs to be cleaned out.

We understand that it will be very difficult to save this cat, but we will not forgive ourselves if we do not at least try.

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