They put the puppy in a box and tightly walked with tape along each fold: the baby could hardly hold on


The little puppy was placed in a box that he barely fit in and couldn’t move at all. Every centimeter of the lid on the box was carefully secured with adhesive tape, it seemed that someone had put in a lot of effort and acted very carefully, trying not to give the baby a single chance of salvation.

In the box, the baby was crying, trying to call for help from his mother, but gradually he had no strength left, and there was less and less air, the baby was slowly dying.
It is not clear how the puppy deserved such a fate and how it was possible to doom him to die alive. The puppy was too small and weak to stand up for himself.

The quiet squeak of the baby was heard and he was taken out of the box. The white dog weighed less than a kilogram, he didn’t even have the strength to cry, or maybe he was just afraid to make a sound, because he didn’t know at all what to expect from people.

Almost dying in a box, now the puppy will live, and, I want to believe, will be happy.

The baby was named Isai, he was found a temporary home, where he is taken care of and fed. So far, everything in the baby’s life is temporary, but I want to believe that he will find permanent owners and a home. The kid is very vulnerable, he will not be able to survive on the street himself, so finding a home for him is a top priority.

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