A hungry mother dog and 6 small puppies sat on a chain: the booth was almost collapsed


This night at the end of May turned out to be rainy, the first drops had already fallen to the ground, and lightning and thunder suggested that a real thunderstorm would soon begin. Our whole family, not paying attention to the rain, was looking for a dog with 6 puppies, which our neighbor recently told us about. The place that she described to us, we went around several times already, and finally, we noticed the silhouette of a dog very close to the road. When we got closer, it became clear that the dog was very thin, its hair used to be white, but now it turned into a lump of dirt. The dog stood in the middle of a puddle and was chained to a chain. Noticing us, the animal was delighted and treated us like good friends.

By the light of a flashlight, we saw the booth, an old one with rotten boards that no longer protected from rain or wind.
As soon as I approached the dog, little puppies ran out at my feet, as thin and dirty as their mother. Then I noticed a pile of metal nearby, under which the crumbs were hiding from the rain. The wooden booth was rotten, its bottom was damp and wet, so they could not hide in it.

This picture briefly left us all speechless. There were no bowls of water or food near the booth. The joy of an adult dog from meeting with us was beyond, she jumped, wagged her tail and licked our hands. Apparently, the dog understood that we are here to help her and her babies. While the dog was happy, her kids, having heard the smell of food from the bag, dragged it away and began to tear it. First of all, we fed the whole family.

I have never seen animals eat so fast. Both the dog and her puppies were starving and close to exhaustion. They ate as if they were seeing food for the first time and were afraid that this time would also be the last. We did not have time to open packs of food and bags of food, as their contents immediately disappeared.
A little later, we managed to talk with the guards of the car wash, on the territory of which there was a dog with babies. The staff categorically stated that they did not intend to give away the dog, and they did not mind if we took the puppies and found them a home. As it turned out, these people were convinced that the dog should protect them, but they did not understand and did not recognize their responsibility for her, her nutrition and health.

We returned to this family the next day, bringing not only food, but also bowls , toys and a blanket so that they have a warm bedding. During this visit, I took several photos of the babies and their mother. The dog’s name is Dina, five puppies were photographed, and the sixth decided to hide during our visit. The whole family turned out to be surprisingly friendly: the kids were spinning under their feet, trying to hug us, and their mother came up to everyone, asking to be caressed and looked into our eyes with great gratitude.

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