When the owner died, the dog suffered at the entrance, but instead of sympathy he received a kick


Only recently the Baron lived a happy life. The dog had a beloved owner and his own warm place in the apartment, as well as a girlfriend – the cat Musya. The baron was very fond of both the owner and the cat, constantly showing them his affection. The owner of the animals, an elderly man, was very proud of the kind and quick-witted Baron, often demonstrating to his neighbors and other dog lovers how he unquestioningly carries out any commands.

Together with the owner, the Baron went not only for walks, but also to the store, preferring to always be near a man. On that day, the owner did not take the Baron with him, he stayed in the apartment, and the man went out the door and never returned. When the owner was hit by a car, the Baron seemed to feel something. The dog ran to the doors and tried to open them, to run out of the apartment, unfortunately, he did not succeed.

The next time, the door of the apartment was opened by the police, who took the cat and the dog out into the yard and hooted, deciding that the animals would take care of themselves. The baron was left completely alone, because the police threw Musya somewhere far away from home. The dog was frightened and confused, he did not know life on the street at all and had no idea how to get food for himself.
The Baron was very saddened, because one day his life, which had previously seemed settled and happy, changed completely. He was left completely alone and did not know how to live on. The dog did not know how to get food, did not know how to defend his territory, protect himself from the dangers that lay in wait for him both in the face of stray dogs and in the face of people.

On the very first day, the dog became a victim of an attack by a pack of stray dogs, and the residents of the yard, who knew the Baron well and knew what happened to him and his owner, did not want to help the dog, moreover, they used different methods to drive the dog away from their entrance , often using violence against him.

The baron did not understand why he could no longer enter his house, why people were beating and chasing him, because he behaved very well. Sometimes passers-by noticed that real tears appeared in the eyes of the dog.

Baron often spent his evenings in the company of local cats, perhaps they reminded him of his friend Musya and he felt very calm in their company.

Without care, the dog began to lose weight quickly, he became sad and depressed, he was afraid of his own shadow, because the Baron did not even understand which of his actions would cause aggression in people.

Once the Baron was noticed by Tanya. The girl did not remain indifferent to him, especially after she learned his story. Tanya began to take care of the dog, feed him and treat him. The Baron rejoiced every time he met the girl, she even started to carry a leash with her to walk the dog a little and distract the Baron from his sad thoughts a little. Each meeting with Tanya inspired joy in the Baron, but when Tanya left, his eyes were again filled with sadness and fear of the unknown.

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