The cat’s mission is to steal the owner’s food! In vain his mistress left the room for a minute …


A cat named Cowboy was adopted when he was just a kitten. His savior and mistress, Kat Keegan, initially took him just for overexposure, but soon realized that she wanted to keep the baby forever.
The girl has three more cats, but Cowboy is the leader among URlyk. He will certainly take that thing that cannot be touched and enter where it is forbidden to enter. In a word, the cat knows how to create problems for the owner.
The cat considers it his mission to steal human food. Even if for this you have to rummage through the garbage, the pet will not be embarrassed.

Having seized the moment to stick a curious snout into an open refrigerator, the cat immediately seeks to steal what is not allowed!

To cook and eat in peace, the owner of the pet, Kat, has to lock Cowboy in another room. But Murlyka still manages to quietly bite off a piece of pizza or burrito. Sometimes he licks the owner’s plate, if there is an opportunity to get to it.

Kat not only saves animals and takes them to overexposure. In addition, the girl works as a veterinarian in a hospital. Being always busy, she has become accustomed to the Cowboy’s antics and has learned to guard food from the cat.

One day, Kat came home from work and left the groceries she bought in the kitchen. Then she went to the bathroom for just a minute, naively believing that during this time Cowboy would not do anything. But the cat was too smart!
For MURlyka, this time was enough. He managed to rummage through the bags of groceries and almost crushed the package of cakes.

Agile Cowboy gnawed off a piece of each tortilla, and yet there are as many as twenty of them in the package. Now that’s professionalism!

Moreover, the cat still decided to steal one cake when the hostess returned to the kitchen. Probably, the glutton wanted to devour it in a secluded place, but the girl still managed to take the prey from the pet. Kat is just sure that her pet has already planned the next robbery, but she is not one bit angry with him.

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