The box with the puppies stood in the middle of the forest. Cold and hunger reduced the chances of babies to be saved


“My sweetheart!” – says Elena Sholokhova about her beloved dog. Eight years ago, not everything was as rosy in the life of an animal as it is now …

Aiza (as the baby Lena called it) was born in March, when the streets were still full of snow. But the puppies that were born were clearly not included in the plans of the owners of the young mother. People made a soulless act, putting the kids in a box and taking it into the wilderness. These puppies had almost no chance of surviving – cold and hunger would very soon take the lives of small fragile creatures!

Fortunately, the squeaky lumps were noticed by caring people who found the pets just in time. The puppies were not abandoned in the forest, they were taken away for overexposure. I had to feed Aiza with her brothers and sisters instead of her own mother. When the children grew up a little, they began to look for permanent homes.

So Isa fell into the hands of Elena. The girl is still not sure that she is the ideal hostess for a dog, but she knows for sure that she loves the baby very much. She says that with the advent of Aiza in her life, she began to think differently and relate to life. The girl has changed and become wiser, for which she is infinitely grateful to the dog!
The life of the rest of the puppies was no less successful – they were also dismantled by kind people. But this story could have had a completely different ending if the kids had not been found in the forest.

Good thing it ended up like this!

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