Mom will always come to the rescue! Golden Retriever helped her daughter carry a heavy “burden”


A golden retriever named Harper adopted almost everything from her mother, Willow. Now the baby is two years old, but still there are a couple of tricks that she can’t do.

Fortunately, mommy is always there for her daughter and is ready to help if the baby can’t cope with something. Willow lives with Harper. Dogs spend time together, go for walks and play pranks.

The owners really liked to watch how the daughter copied the behavior of her mother at a young age – it looked very cute! As she grew up, little changed.
And most recently, the dogs went for a walk in the local park. Harper found a very tempting branch on the side of the road. She loved the piece of fallen wood so much that she just couldn’t leave the perfect toy behind. Pet began to pull the branch behind her …

The dog managed to lift the stick, but it soon got stuck between two pillars. Willow saw how her daughter dropped a toy, and immediately rushed to her aid!

The caring mother did not want Harper to give up on her plan so easily and drop the stick halfway. After all, it was she who taught the baby to wear objects.
The owner of the dogs, Tanya, says that her dogs are very determined. They take pride in what they can do. For example, both pets burst with a sense of self-importance when they carry their wands around a five-kilometer park, while crossing pedestrian crossings and bollards.
Want to watch two dogs walk? Here is a wonderful video:

When Harper failed to carry a stick stuck between two posts, Willow’s mother immediately ran to her daughter and helped carry the heavy toy, dividing the weight in half. The two dogs easily managed to slip past the post.

It doesn’t matter how many more obstacles Harper gets in her way. No matter what happens, Willow is always ready to help and share the problem between two.

Wonderful couple, right? The dogs were lucky they weren’t separated when Harper grew up. Mom and daughter have a happy opportunity to live a long and happy life together.

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