“I won’t leave my dog!” Ukrainian woman was not evacuated from China because of a pet: latest news


“Drop the dog? Never!” – such thoughts were spinning in the head of Ukrainian Anastasia Zinchenko. The girl tried to leave China because of the raging coronavirus, but she could not evacuate because of a Pomeranian named Michelle. The plane, which was supposed to land at Kharkov airport on February 20, flew away without her …
But Nastya did a tremendous job by contacting the Ukrainian Embassy in China with a request to issue her a permit to export the animal. But even having a passport, a chip and all the necessary vaccinations did not help her.

The girl has been working in China for three years. She bought her pet there a year and a half ago. Needless to say, before quarantine, Anastasia traveled with Misha without any problems?

When the girl needed to be evacuated from the country, she was refused because of the dog. Nastya was offered to fly away without a pet, to which she replied with a categorical refusal, considering it a betrayal. The fact is that Misha is like a close family member for her, so she did not want to leave the dog in the kennel, let alone leave him!
So, Anastasia, spitting on her own comfort and safety, remained in Wuhan next to her pet. She did all this for her beloved dog.

After the first refusal to evacuate, the girl began to give interviews to various media, hoping to draw as much attention as possible to her problem. Soon the embassy contacted her and said that permission to evacuate could be obtained provided that all the documentation for Misha met the standards.

Next, Nastya did the almost impossible! Being in the city of Wuhan, where everything is closed, and you can only move around in a special car, the girl still found the only working veterinary clinic in which they agreed to help. When she sent all the documents to the embassy, she was again refused.

Here is what Anastasia wrote on her Instagram: And here is the video posted by the famous blogger Anatoly Shariy. In it, Nastya Zinchenko talks in detail about all the problems she had to face: Currently, the girl is in Wuhan, where it is very problematic to get food, since security measures have been significantly tightened. Nastya was not allowed out of the residential complex for a long time, and she ran out of food. The girl had to go to the police and explain to them that she had nothing to eat. Some new pass was needed, which, of course, Nastya did not have. However, no one could tell her where to get it.

The poor girl with tears in her eyes asked to be let go to the nearest store, and finally she managed to buy groceries. However, they won’t last long!

Of course, in social networks, the girl is supported by compatriots and people who respect her for not abandoning her dog. Upon learning of what was happening, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky contacted Nastya.

Previously, he did not know about the problem, but now he will take the matter under personal control. Vladimir promised to help Nastya in resolving the issue.

Let’s wish the brave girl to return home with the dog as soon as possible!

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