Judges Can’t Get Enough of This 11-year-old’s Spunky Audition


Do you remember when you were a child and dreamed of what you want to become when you grow up? Some children grow up dreaming of becoming doctors or dancers. Others grow up wanting to become veterinarians or nurses. Children’s big dreams and big imaginations often lead to hope, and happiness in turn brings a breath of fresh air. Ambitious and lazy children add a little extra level of charisma to their lives. Not all children imagine their future in another country, but a girl from the Czech Republic did. What did he lose?

11-year-old Lara H. decided to travel huge kilometers to make her hopes and dreams come true. One day dreaming of becoming a singer, Lara and her family decided to choose the path of her life. Going on stage “Voice Children”, one could think that Lara has been a professional singer for many years with her wonderful voice and presence.

He later told the judges that he had already received professional education at an early age. He attended a music school in Nashville, Tennessee. Just after watching the shocking video in a positive way, one can think that the young girl should have taken the big stage in the future. Watching his mother, father and brother behind the scenes, they can say that they have been waiting for this touching and joyful moment for a long time. The young star not only toured the judges during the performance “Shake it Off” for him, but also stood.

The 11-year-old star had a big impact by wearing the “Shake it Off” attitude on stage with confidence and a great voice. The young star, shedding tears on stage, was overwhelmed with happiness. He even accommodated the judges and sang the song “Shake it Off” with him.

I would be better, I would be happy, I would be ‘you need me’, I think we understand each other perfectly. “I do not think I can say what really happened. “I think we are a perfect match in terms of music. I just wish you were definitely on my team, Lara, it would be a great honor for me,” said Lena Meyer-Landrut. The other judges said influential words about the future star.

“I see that in the Czech Republic they have a great and influential culture, history, music lessons. We would be very happy to see an international star in our team, “said Michi Becky.

Hearing that some of the judges did not want to see Lara in their team, the young singer finally chose judge and singer Lena Meyer-Landrut. Announcing his election as judge, Meyer-Landrut smiled and turned to his new opponent.

“Yes Yes. I’m so happy, so thankful you did such a wonderful job, Lara. “I am so happy, everything is inexplicable,” he said as they happily left the stage. Seeing that Meyer-Landrut sings in English just like Lara, they realized from that moment that they could be perfect partners.

After the competition starting in March 2022, we have to wait until the end of “Voice Children” to see what result Lara has registered at the end of the tournament.

Watch it here!



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